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5 colonial postcards of Madagascar showing local habits and types. B

Price: $100.00

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4 colonial postcards of Djibouti, showing mosques, swings and a water carrier.B

Price: $120.00

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Government photo of the inauguration of the Casa Littoria at Mogadishu on April 21. B

Price: $70.00

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Two photo albums from a French Legionnaire based in Djibouti in 1955, which, at the time was the headquarters of the Foreign Legion99b. 166 photos. One album contains text. Excellent images of colonial military, French Foreign Legion, local customs, different types of hut construction, more. .B

Price: $0.00

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French press photo of demonstrations in Djibouti for independence. 21x28cm.B

Price: $70.00

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Coffee tin by Frank Caffe of Milan, showing Italian Somali images. 10.5x10.5x10cm. Rare in this condition. B

Price: $200.00

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Official photo archived of the S.A.I.S in Italian Somaliland the 1920’s-1930’s. 125 large format photos showing activities of the SAIS as well as local habits, scenes and colonialism. B

Price: $3500.00

Note: colonial farming policy in Italian Somalia rested heavily on the activities of the Società Agricola Italo-Somala, established by Luigi Amedeo of Savoia, the Duke of Abruzzi, in 1920. Fascist propaganda presented both Luigi Amedeo of Savoia and his Società Agricola Italo-Somala as icons of colonialism and successful models to be imitated throughout the Italian colonial fascist system.

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Manuscript archive of the report on operations for the occupation of Balad-Teteile, December 1909. On 5 April 1908, the Italian Parliament enacted a basic law to unite all of the parts of southern Somalia into an area called "Somalia Italiana". At that time, they created the Regio Corpo di Truppe Coloniali Della Somalia Italiana. Much of the southern part of the country was in rebellion against the Italians. This report was prepared 20 months into the new administration, at a time when Italy was fighting local warlords for control of the country. Very rare. B

Price: $3400.00

sml141SML 141International certificate of vaccination issued in Somalia in 1954 when Italy was responsible for the administration of the country (Amminisstrazione Fiduciaria Italiana Della Somalia). B

Price: $50.00

NOTE: In November 1949, the United Nations finally opted to grant Italy trusteeship of Italian Somaliland, but only under close supervision and on the condition that Somalia achieve independence within ten years. During the 1950s, with UN funds pouring in and the presence of experienced Italian administrators who had come to see the region as their home, infrastructural and educational development blossomed in the region. School enrollment during this period was free. The decade passed relatively without incident, and was marked by positive growth in virtually all aspects of local life. According to the U.S. Library of Congress "Trusteeship and Protectorate: The Road to Independence of Somalia": “The conditional return of Italian administration to southern Somalia gave the new trust territory several unique advantages compared with other African colonies. To the extent that Italy held the territory by UN mandate, the trusteeship provisions gave the Somalis the opportunity to gain experience in political education and self-government. These were advantages that British Somaliland, which was to be incorporated into the new Somali state, did not have. Although in the 1950s British colonial officials attempted, through various development efforts, to make up for past neglect, the protectorate stagnated. The disparity between the two territories in economic development and political experience would cause serious difficulties when it came time to integrate the two parts”.

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68 postcards of Italian Somaliland by the Missione Francescana di Mogadiscio. B

Price: $1550.00

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